Account Administration Overview

Our platform provides a rich set of administration features including

  • Sub accounts
  • User permission management
  • Support for agencies and consultants

Let’s have a look at the building blocks…

Users and Logins

Each user represents a single person. There are no shared logins supported. Each user can have access to multiple accounts.


An organization represents a customer. That’s where things like billing addresses and tax-related settings are stored.

(Sub) Accounts

Each account is a fully separated PIM database. An organization has at least one account. Use additional accounts if you need a separate playground database or need separated accounts for multiple departments or customers.

Organization Memberships

Users can have access to multiple organizations and their accounts. If a user has access to an organization, we call him a member. You can invite new or existing users to join your organization, which will make them members.

User Groups

Each organization can have user groups for permission management. This allows you to configure permissions at a central place instead of managing them for each user separately.